In preparation for Thanksgiving, the homeschoolers were cooking this week. In my morning shift, the pre-school kids made cornbread muffins while Anna Mae took her first stab at pie dough in preparation for making pumpkin pie. (Read more about her … Continue reading

Time Marches On

Thirty-one years ago, my friend Julia and I shared a home. We each had newborn sons, and for the next several years we watched our boys grow until Julia moved to another abode. The two boys, however, retained a lasting … Continue reading
My Friend Mic

What a pleasure to witness my friend Mic debut as conductor of Symphony of the Sierra this weekend. I first met Mic in the 80s when she was publishing a local literary magazine. As a fledgling writer, I wanted desperately … Continue reading
Cindy's Surveys

For as long as I’ve known Cindy, she’s done surveys. I’ve never understood the motivation behind her efforts, but she is a devoted survey-ist. When it’s time to relax around here, it’s not unusual to find her happily working on … Continue reading
Just for the Record

In case you can’t read this sign easily–it says that gas is sold at this station for $1.97 a gallon! An important detail is that date on the picture is 11/19/2008. A year ago, I made 3 financial goals. One … Continue reading