My book shelves are filled with books I have yet to read and my Amazon wish list and Goodreads “to be read” list both sport a huge number of books. Not infrequently, however, someone I love speaks of a book … Continue reading
The Conversation in Books

Black Friday

For the past several years, Cindy and I have headed out before dawn on the day after Thanksgiving to hit the big sales. This is the first year that I’ve heard them called “Black Friday,” but apparently that name has … Continue reading
Andrea's Table

The lovely Andrea attracted the most amazing array of people to a Thanksgiving table that dissected her living room. A burgundy stripped cloth and red napkins invited guests to gather at length for the feast. In addition to Culley, Huck … Continue reading
Bike Ride

On Thanksgiving morning, I joined the ten Tippetts for a bike ride on the old railroad grade in Tuolumne City. It was a spectacular day with billowing clouds topping off a blue sky above the river canyon. We weren’t the … Continue reading
More Cooking

Thanksgiving is a feast day, so it involves LOTS of cooking. Around the country, kitchens are alive with mixing bowls, rolling pins, and chopping boards, and the heat from many stoves is surely competing with furnaces and wood heaters. At … Continue reading