Christmas Elves

Christmas Elves

The Rescue

The Rescue

Cindy has the opposite relationship to shopping from me. She takes her time and enjoys the process, patiently visiting multiple stores and price checking until she finds just what she wants for the right price. I’m an in-and-out kind of … Continue reading

Brother Andy Retires

Brother Andy Retires

At my brother Andy’s retirement party, someone asked him how long he had worked. “My whole life,” he replied. It’s true! I remember Andy working diligently to pack the car for family trips to Twain Harte when he was 8 … Continue reading

Everybody Loves a Parade

Everybody Loves a Parade

The small town of Tuolumne City has a dear Christmas Parade each year. Cindy and I along with Huck and Nell stood with the town’s people in the frosty December night under a glorious full moon, enjoying the floats and … Continue reading

Special Event

Special Event

Every year Tuolumne County Transit offers a Christmas Lights Tour in exchange for a donation of a non-perishable food item. Since Jenny and I have been trying to do a field trip on the Transit, we thought this would be … Continue reading