

A number of people have asked me why I cried for almost two hours during Obama’s inauguration. I had a lot of trouble explaining my tears until I got an email from my friend Liz in which she included an … Continue reading

Oh Happy Blessed Day

Oh Happy Blessed Day

I turned on the TV at 7:10 this morning as I sat in the recliner with my laptop, emailing a friend about the inauguration. The phone rang and it was another friend who was singing OOOBAAAMAA! While I was talking … Continue reading

A Sentence

A Sentence

Since Christmas, we have watched a slew of movies which I’m going to list. I challenged myself to write a single sentence about each movie, so here goes. In reverse chronological order we have seen: Gran Torino: 78 year old … Continue reading

More TV

More TV

“Why would you want to watch more TV?” said Sandie. Cindy’s sister was asking a very good question and one to which we had given considerable thought. We are not TV watchers. A few years back we got the smallest … Continue reading

Alpaca Connection

Alpaca Connection

When our scheduled winter vacation when awry, we decided that we would do a vacation from home, making sure we left the house each day to do something fun. A trip to the alpaca ranch was one of our outings. … Continue reading