Sharing the Wealth: GoodReads

Sharing the Wealth: GoodReads

Last summer, fellow writer Kate Evans turned me on to GoodReads, a website where readers befriend one another and share book titles and reviews. It’s also a place where authors can maintain a page about their published works and invite … Continue reading

Adventures in OZ

Adventures in OZ

I think someone at sometime compared San Francisco to OZ, and if they didn’t, they should have, for wonder and magic abound in the city when one drops unabashedly into its foggy mist. Our adventure began with a long walk … Continue reading

Reading in the Castro

Reading in the Castro

Tonight I’ll be reading with fellow writer Kate Evans at Books Inc in the Castro.  I met Kate at a writer’s conference several years ago, and coincidentally our books were published in the same month last year. To learn more … Continue reading

Writer's Critique Group–Guidelines

I’m a huge believer in the writer’s critique group. Near the end of my first writing workshop about 20 years ago, the facilitator talked about writing groups and encouraged us to hook up with one another to continue sharing and … Continue reading

Two Reasons to Celebrate

Two Reasons to Celebrate

Leon and Aliou are 6 years old. They’ve been in the USA for 19 months and are officially adopted. On this, their second birthday in their adopted country, they are old hats at being the birthday boys. They know about … Continue reading