(Athan is the third leprechaun from the right) All last fall, six-year-old Athan told Mama that he wanted to learn to read, so in late November, Jennie Lou asked me if I’d be willing to implement a DISTAR reading program … Continue reading
Athan Can Read!

Hello Subaru

How lucky am I to have an amazingly skillful son to get the Subaru in running order?? Not only did Raleigh change out the engine and many other parts, he and Cody did a nice job of cleaning both interior … Continue reading
Good Bye VW

Today, I say good bye to my Volkswagon. It’s been a marvelous four years. Getting the VW was one of those life time “must-dos”–you know, actualizing a dream no matter how frivolous or impractical just for the sake of pure … Continue reading
Prayer Study

I started six weeks of prayer study two weeks ago in conjunction with the Maker’s diet and the beginning of Lent. The book that I’m using explores four kinds of prayer: 1. Conversational prayers of asking and authenticity;2. Uplifting affirmative … Continue reading

So much is going on and no time to blog (blogging in my head certainly does not make it public). So I’m opting for a summary of some pretty fantastic times with pictures of some of the notable events. The … Continue reading