Change of Plans

Change of   Plans

On Mondays, I go to homeschool at my daughter’s and my son’s, but this week, one family had two sick kids and the other family was exhausted from a weekend of service. The cancellations were timely as I was over-tired … Continue reading



This is a post that I’ve been writing in my head for a couple of weeks . . . and it’s a follow-up on my three pronged “Lenten” self-improvement experience. Remember I did the Maker’s Diet (fasting), a prayer study, … Continue reading

Yard Work

Yard Work

My yard is too big and my dreams far outreach my abilities. That’s why I’m grateful for grandson Cody who is both smart and strong. Add to the mix Culley’s 1/2 ton diesel truck, and I got a lot of … Continue reading

Time to Write: 5 Suggestions

The other day when I went for my physical, the nurse practitioner asked how my book was doing. After listening to my report, she said that when she retired, she was going to write. She said she had all kinds … Continue reading



I have eaten salad everyday for lunch for more than 15 years. I’ve always intended to grow lettuce in my garden, but for some reason this intention never became a reality. I started one lettuce patch a few years back, … Continue reading