We are breathing a SIGH of relief. Cindy’s dad, who was hospitlized last week with a mysterious fever, came home yesterday. He is happy to be home and completely confident that he will be on the ship next Monday when … Continue reading
Go Fred!!

Writers Conferences & Festivals: Why Go?

Yesterday, I put together a registration form for the 2009 Medocino Coast Writers Conference. This morning I read an article in Poets & Writers (May/June 2009) entitled “Conferences, Festivals Taking a Hit.” The juxtaposition helped me answer a question I’d … Continue reading

Yesterday, my dear friend Carol took me to the pet store after treating me to lunch at Diamondback for my birthday. I’ve had a one gallon fish tank sitting empty beside my desk since last November. The tank belonged to … Continue reading
Birthday Weekend

We are back from our 10 days of self-indulgence and deep relaxation and starting a weekend filled with birthday celebrations. Saturday we will honor five birthdays in my family and Sunday we go to Mariposa to acknowledge May birthdays in … Continue reading
Reading to Write

Writing teachers frequently tell their students, “One must read broadly to write well.” During my Mexico vacation I was reminded of how much I rely on reading to learn about writing. I read all the time, but during my vacation … Continue reading