This week for date night, we decided to take advantage of a coupon that Cindy had recieved in the mail for two free dinners at Blackoak Casino. When we arrived, Cindy presented her coupon and got a complimentary scratcher which … Continue reading
Lucky Date Night

And so . . .

It is true that Facebook is usurping Twilightme. It’s just so easy to jot off a line or two on FB a couple times of day. But I’m sad. I don’t want my blog to be overtaken by that easy … Continue reading
Autumnal Chores

We dove into autumnal chores the past few days with gusto! First, I borrowed my son’s pick-up and enlisted my grandson’s help to pick up 2 yards of decorative bark that I won at the Waldorf School acution last spring. … Continue reading
For the Love of Books

I recently had the pleasure of spending two hours in the library with Kyle. He diligently completed his schoolwork, a writing assignment, so that he could move on to the fun part: locating, purusing, and checking out books. He is … Continue reading
Forest Lawn

During my time with Cindy, I’ve been to a number of funerals, many of which took place at Forest Lawn in Cypress. This past weekend, we attended her Aunt Joanne’s funeral in the little white chapel at the cemetery. The … Continue reading