

Since I was a child, saurkraut has always been a side dish at Thanksgiving dinner. The dish came to our family from my paternal grandmother, Mary Kamak. We think of it as a Polish dish, but in truth the method … Continue reading

Thanksgiving 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

I’m thankful for all the opportunities I have to watch young minds growing and learning: August doing 10th grade science, history, and literature in online courses; Cody heading off to do the last part of 8th grade with 5 amazing … Continue reading



For seven days we were without Internet service. What an eye-opening experience. The last time I went for an extended time without Internet was when I was at a writer’s retreat for a month in Northern Minnesota. I only got … Continue reading

In Memorium

In Memorium

So often when you make a new friend it’s a package deal. In other words, by extension you become friends with the person’s entire family. That’s how it was when 34, years ago, I met Chris Ferroni. Grammy was part … Continue reading



Isn’t coincidence a fascinating thing? Yesterday was my son’s birthday, Oct 29 and I had a doctor appointment to get the results of biopsy of two small growths on my thyroid. As I sat in the waiting room, I recalled … Continue reading