There is more to the season . . .

There is more to the season . . .

For many years, I struggled with the commercialism around Christmas, wishing I could find a way to circumvent the hype and overspending. Instead of improving the situation, I found that my angst about it seemed to make me at best … Continue reading

Unusual Stars

Unusual Stars

During the week before Christmas, I’ve been blessed by the appearance of many unusual stars. First there were the three stars who performed in a play at the Chapel in the Pines –a funny and joyful adaptation of the Christmas … Continue reading

Christmas with Cousins

Christmas with Cousins

The best thing about the family Christmas gathering, other than celebrating with my wonderful children and their families, was watching the cousins play together. (Athan is a rising pool shark who devoted considerable time at the table) Christmas with cousins … Continue reading

Gianna & the Nutcracker

Gianna & the Nutcracker

One of my life goals is to take each of my granddaughters to the Nutcracker ballet in San Francisco. This year Gianna accompanied me! She even wore a dress for the occasion, not her favorite garment. She looked lovely and … Continue reading

No Cabin Fever Here!

No Cabin Fever Here!

Despite the drawbacks of snow at lower elevations, such as the crushing weight upon the oleander hedge that I have clutivated to be tall and graceful and getting soaking wet trying to free the hedge from ice and snow, and … Continue reading