Todos Santos

Todos Santos

I wanted to post a few scenes from Todos Santos before I set off on my next adventure, Cindy’s birthday week. Here is a brief description of these pictures.1. C&A with Heidi and Blossom in front of the Rav, a … Continue reading

Tiny Town

Tiny Town

Tiny town is Connie’s & Andy’s pet name for Todos Santos. It refers to the manner in which news flies through the gringo community, or the entire community for that matter. For example, while I was visiting, Connie gave her … Continue reading

Change of Plans

Change of Plans

Cindy and I planned to go to Todos Santos for two weeks in February to hang out with the dogs while Connie and Andy came back to the states to get their kitties. But all that changed. Turns out the … Continue reading



Cindy’s dad, Fred Dixon, recently turned 80!WHOA!Eighty!8-0!That’s a lot of years!So the family threw a Surprise Party. Despite all kinds of commotion in the days before the party, Fred never caught on. And when he walked through the door of … Continue reading

More Skiing

More Skiing

Leon and Aliou particularly enjoy skiing backwards. Clare wanted to be part of the action and paid close attention to how Mary Autumn rose to her feet after a fall, i.e with Dearma’s help. The power of the snowplow.