Pay Off

Pay Off

On August 10, 2010, we paid off the mortgage on our home! I’ve heard that in the 1950s, people used to have mortgage burning parties to celebrate the pay off date! We went to Baskin Robbins for hot fudge sundaes. … Continue reading

Commas in a Series

When I was English instructor at a community college, I taught students that the comma preceding the “and” in a series was optional, like when you write “The butterflies, hummingbird and finch . . .” Optional means that it was … Continue reading

Book Launch: Burning Horses

On July 25, 2010, my friend Agatha Hoff launched her book Burning Horses: A Hungarian Life Turned Upside Down. The event took place at the Maritime Museum in San Francisco where huge windows onto Aquatic Park and Alcatraz served as … Continue reading

When a Project is Over, What Next?

When a Project is Over, What Next?

The book is out! The Right Sisters was published in June and our book launch is August 14 in Sonora. Ever since the project was finished in late April and the manuscript went to the publisher, I have felt strangely … Continue reading

Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons

I have a theory that if you put a 7 year old in a swimming pool or a lake, you can stand back and watch him or her learn to swim. Throw that child a few pointers about kicking, stroking, … Continue reading